Armchair BEA~ Keeping it Fresh and Young Adult Books~

Posted June 1, 2013 by Octavia in Uncategorized / 0 Comments


Today’s BEA discussion is all about how we keep it fresh and fun on our blog!

Today, we’re interested in knowing how you address that question, especially if you’ve been doing this for a while. If you have been around for years, how do you keep your material fresh? How do you continue to keep blogging fun? How do you not only grow an audience, but how do you keep them coming back for more?

I don’t really have a answer for this question yet. I’ve only been blogging for about 7 months so I’m still in that “oh my gosh this is awesome!” stage. I know it gets stressful and repetitive at times, but I try to focus on having fun, being myself, and taking a step back when I need to. As far as keeping people coming back, well..have you met me?! I have a very dazzling personality! Kidding! Kidding! Sort of….

Im awesome


Now on to the awesomeness that is Young Adult/Children’s fiction! Let me start this with a little story….*cue flash back mode*

5 years ago I found out that I was going to have a messy, little person to take care of. While this is where most people would have rushed out and started grabbing blankets, and onesies, and all that mess I ran and got something different. I went and bought:

Dr Seuss's Sleep Book Mulberry Street

And that, my dear friends was the start of Ayanna’s library. And if I’m being completely honest (which you know I am) I got her almost every Dr. Seuss book ever written not just because I think it’s sacrilegious not to, but because they are some of my favorite reads from my childhood. Dr. Seuss and so many other authors played a huge part in the book lover that I am today, and I’m happy my kid can experience that. And when I catch my (now) 4 year old laying in her bed past bedtime with a book in her hand, I just smile and back away.

